Are COVID-19 Vaccines safe?

Yes, COVID-19 vaccines are safe. Research has proven then COVID-19 vaccines reduce the incidence of hospitalization and severe illness, and significantly reduces the chances of complications due to COVID-19 infections.

What are the side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccine?

The most common symptoms may include headaches body aches, chills, fever and feeling tired. Symptoms that may occur post the COVID-19 vaccine are mild, short lived and their occurrence varies from person to person. They do not occur in all vaccinated persons.

What treatment is available for the possible side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Symptoms that may be experienced post the COVID-19 vaccine are treated with analgesics such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol as well as abundant fluids and bed rest. Mild symptoms should not last more than 48 hours.

If symptoms post COVID-19 vaccine last more than 2 days or worsen gradually what can I do?

If these symptoms last more than 2 days or 48 hours or have worsen since the first day, seek medical advice for adequate examination, diagnosis and treatment.

What vaccines are available in Belize.

There are three (3) vaccines currently available in Belize. These are the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Pfizer vaccine and the Janssen vaccine. The Sinopharm vaccine is no longer available in Belize.

When should I take my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?

The time for second dose of the COVID-19 vaccines vary depending on the vaccine initially taken. The AstraZeneca vaccine is taken eight (8) weeks apart, while the Pfizer vaccine is taken three (3) weeks after the first dose. The Janssen vaccine is a single dose vaccine.

When can I take my COVID-19 vaccine BOOSTER?

AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccine boosters can be taken three (3) months after the day the second dose of the vaccine was received. Janssen vaccine boosters can be taken two (2) months after the single dose of the Janssen vaccine was taken.

How do I know which vaccine to take as a booster?

The Pfizer vaccine is recommended as a COVID-19 vaccine booster post the following vaccines: AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Janssen vaccines. A booster vaccine with the same vaccine initially taken is also available for those individuals who make this request.

Why should I take a COVID-19 booster?

COVID-19 vaccine booster increase your immune system response if you come in contact with the COVID-19 virus. This improved immune response increases our ability to better fight the infection should we develop the illness. In addition, the booster decreases the chances of complications due to COVID-19 infection and significantly reduces the risk of death due to COVID-19 infection.

In the future, will yearly COVID-19 vaccine booster be required?

Studies are ongoing to determine how often COVID-19 vaccine boosters will be required.

What are the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine booster?

Symptoms post the COVID-19 vaccine booster may include, fever, headache, body aches, chills, and fatigue.

I have had COVID-19 and already recovered, do I still need the COVID-19 vaccine booster?

Yes, the current recommendations are that boosters be taken one month after laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection if the person is clinically recovered and asymptomatic.

Can I get vaccinated against COVID-19 while I am currently sick with COVID-19?

No, if you currently sick with COVID-19 infection or still symptomatic following a COVID-19 infection you should wait until one month after COVID-19 diagnosis or as soon as fully clinically recovered.

How long does protection from COVID vaccines last?

There are currently ongoing studies to determine the how long protection from COVID vaccines will last. The highest level of immunity is reached when we follow the recommended time for each vaccine and their boosters.

Can I choose which COVID-19 vaccine I can get?

Yes, each individual can choose which vaccine they want. Currently, the Pfizer vaccine is recommended for pregnant women and children between 12-17 years of age.

How can I get a new COVID-19 vaccination card?

For damaged or lost cards, visit the nearest vaccination center with a personal ID and the staff will search your information in our national data base and facilitate a new card.

Can I take the COVID-19 vaccine along with the flu vaccine?

The current recommendations are that both vaccines can be taken the same day on separate injection sites. They may also be taken 14 days apart if one choses.

If I am pregnant or planning to get pregnant should I take the COVID-19 vaccine?

Yes, COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant, or who might become pregnant in the future.

If I am breastfeeding, can I take the COVID-19 vaccine?

During breastfeeding the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and may offer a degree of protection to the breastfeeding child.

Which vaccine should I take if I am pregnant, planning to get pregnant or currently breastfeeding?

The Pfizer vaccine is currently recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Why should I vaccinate my teen child against COVID-19?

Vaccinating teens decrease their chances of getting the COVID-19 infection. If they get infected, the COVID-19 vaccine decreases the chance for them to spread the virus to others. Additionally, getting vaccinated decreases their chances for developing complications of the COVID-19 disease and even death. Getting your child vaccinated protects them and your family.

What documentations do I need to have my child vaccinated?

Under age children are required to be in the company of an adult with a signed consent form by a parent or guardian, an ID for proper identification is also required. All individuals seeking vaccination are encouraged to have a meal prior vaccination.

Should I present with an emergency after I get vaccinated, how will I be assisted?

Post vaccination, all persons needs to wait a minimum of 15 minutes for observation and monitoring of any possible side effects. Should any side effects occur the medical staff are equipped with emergency medication and can arrange for safe and quick transportation to the nearest health facility.

If I am fully vaccinated, do I still need to wear a mask and avoid contact with others?

Yes, fully vaccinated persons should continue to properly wear a mask, follow all public health measures and avoid crowds.

What are the recommended public health measures to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus?

To minimize risk of infection, avoid crowded spaces, wash or sanitize hands as much as possible, sanitize surface as often as possible, open windows at home and work spaces to promote ventilation, wear face mask above the nose and under the chin and vaccinate as soon as possible.

If I am fully vaccinated in another country, can I get a booster shot in Belize?

Yes, if you have proof of completing previous vaccination in another country and you are in time for a booster you can get vaccinated in Belize.

If I am a migrant form a neighboring country and I have no ID from my country of origin can I get a COVD-19 vaccine in Belize?

Yes, all individuals who currently reside in the country of Belize qualify for a COVID-19 vaccine.

If I have had COVID-19 recently, can I still be a blood donor?

Yes, you can donate blood after an infection with COVID-19 providing you are asymptomatic.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la vacuna contra la COVID-19

¿Cómo se han podido desarrollar tan rápidamente las vacunas contra la COVID-19?

El desarrollo de una nueva vacuna es un proceso complejo y largo que, por término medio, dura 10 años. Sin embargo, las vacunas contra la COVID-19 son la culminación de años de investigación en nuevas tecnologías y se han basado en las lecciones aprendidas del trabajo sobre las vacunas contra el SARS y el MERS, así como en las vacunas desarrolladas contra el ébola. Dada la actual pandemia de la COVID-19, las instituciones, los desarrolladores comerciales y los investigadores de todo el mundo trabajaron a una velocidad y escala sin precedentes para desarrollar vacunas seguras y eficaces contra la COVID-19 en aproximadamente 12-18 meses desde el inicio de la pandemia.

Si estoy embarazada o planeo quedar embarazada, ¿puedo vacunarme contra la COVID-19?

Sí, se recomienda vacunar contra la COVID-19 a las personas que están embarazadas, en periodo de lactancia, que están intentando quedar embarazadas ahora o que podrían quedar embarazadas en el futuro.la vacuna COVID-19 se recomienda a las personas que están embarazadas, amamantando, tratando de quedar embarazadas ahora, o que podrían quedar embarazadas en el futuro. Es posible que desee tener una conversación con su proveedor de atención médica sobre la vacunación contra la COVID-19. Aunque esta conversación puede ser útil, no es necesaria antes de la vacunación.

¿Cuántas dosis de la vacuna contra la COVID-19 tendré que recibir?

El número de dosis de la vacuna que necesitas depende de la vacuna que recibas.

Si ya he tenido COVID-19 y me he recuperado, ¿estoy protegido por la inmunidad natural o tengo que seguir vacunándome contra la COVID-19?

Enfermarse de COVID-19 ofrece cierta protección contra futuras enfermedades de COVID-19, lo que a veces se llama “inmunidad natural”. El nivel de protección que obtienen las personas por tener COVID-19 puede variar dependiendo de lo leve o grave que haya sido su enfermedad, el tiempo transcurrido desde su infección y su edad. Ninguna prueba disponible actualmente puede determinar de forma fiable si una persona está protegida de la infección.

Si no me he puesto la segunda dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 en el plazo recomendado, ¿qué debo de hacer?

Debes de recibir la segunda vacuna lo más cerca posible de la fecha recomendada. Si recibes la segunda inyección de la vacuna COVID-19 en cualquier momento después de la fecha recomendada, no tienes que reiniciar la serie de vacunas, y se puede considerar que estás completamente vacunado 2 semanas después de recibir la segunda inyección.

¿Puedo vacunarme contra la COVID-19 si estoy enfermo de COVID-19?

No. Las personas con COVID-19 que presentan síntomas deben de esperar hasta que se hayan recuperado de su enfermedad y hayan cumplido con los criterios para suspender el aislamiento antes de vacunarse; las que no tienen síntomas también deben de esperar hasta que cumplan con los criterios antes de vacunarse. Esta indicación también aplica a las personas que contraen COVID-19 antes de recibir la segunda dosis de la vacuna.

Source: www.cdc